Sunday, January 15, 2012

To Dear Ol' Sushi

To make one's life easy is to make the other's difficult.
To give an excuse of self importance is to make others hateful of you.

Story of His Life:

Once upon a day, Sushi went to the shop. Sushi went to a Japanese-serving food shop. Sushi liked the food served in the shop there for he has been going there for the past 36 months since it was built out of shacks and ropes. Sushi's favourite dish was the kimchi. He liked it so much that he only ordered that particular dish each time he visited the shop. He is always known by the waiters and waitresses there for his most unique order, "One kimchi set or I'll blow your face up!" Everyone will laugh at it and then they serve his most favourite dish; the kimchi set.

As Sushi enjoyed his kimchi everytime he went there, one day something happened that changed his life completely, if not like how they are used of saying, it isn't what I had mind and that it was a difficult decision to make. One day, as Sushi went to the Japanese shop again, and as he ordered his normal menu, one of the waitress came out of the kitchen and told him that they were out of kimchi and that they have something else to replace it with. Ti Sushi's surprise, the one that his normal kimchi set was replaced with was none other than the traditional Malay's style of preserving fruits using vinegar. Only this time, it was preserved vegetables and mixed with the Malay sambal.

Sushi did not like the idea of changing his sense of taste buds to a new taste, for the one he had been tasting has been the one he liked most and never want to change. However, things you see are not for us to control. At one time, you can be the president of your nation, in results of the highest votes, but tomorrow, you may just be slashed with a news saying you were caught sneaking into a club or even a motel for reasons no others have rights to know, but they who commit it. At one time, you could win the sprint by all means of practice and determination, but tomorrow, you may skid in the run and fall far back, leaving you no chance to get up and finishing even second. At one time, you will laugh your hearts out forgetting all those who have ruined your day, but tomorrow, you will tear knowing that the friends you had laughed once with are now nowhere by your side.

Sushi was like any other person. All he did was to go the shop and order his kimchi, and for a Japanese food outlet, its signature dish should never run out. And so Sushi went and saw the chef, the one who has been preparing his kimchi sets all this while. Sushi talked to the chef about the matter. He said he do not want the new pickled vegetabe with sambal. Sushi said that he, as a customer, has all the rights to get what he wants and reject what he does not. After all, it is Sushi who pays the bill. The chef too explained that it was not his fault for the run out of the kimchi. It was a decision made by the owner of the shop. The chef told Sushi that, if he still insisted on having the kimchi, maybe he could go to other shops serving the kimchi and ask them whether could they deliver his set over here. The chef wished him good luck and Sushi, feeling both irritated and depressed looked for the nearby Japanese shops.

"Would you mind if you could send over one kmichi set over to the shop over there and in return, that shop will let you have their recipe of the newly figured out pickled vegetables with Malay sambal?"

There were no positive feedbacks and Sushi was left alone to himself.

Sushi knew not of his fate then though he could slightly imagine it but again Sushi will not give up till the battle is over. Sushi would never trade his kimchi for hot pickled vegetable. And yet, Sushi sits down at that very moment thinking of how would his chances be, whether to get back his kimchi from the other shops or to just manage his sense of taste bud to this new discovered dish.

Moral of the story:

To make one's life easy is to make the other's difficult.
To give an excuse of self importance is to make others hateful of you.
And God always watches upon us.

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