Friday, August 12, 2011

A Fairy Tale in Reality

When you listen to a living proof of someone living the life of a fairy tale and then you reflect on how shall your own fairy tale be, and then you get this mixed, perplexed feeling that it is so entirely difficult to achieve, then that is truly saddening, and what more of trying to see how it shall go on. And when you listen to the tales of how that person achieved such a fairy tale, and then again you put yourself into in, only to find that things are not the same. What then shall we do? What then shall we become of? I mean, everyone would love to live in a fairy tale, but how many have truly achieved, not because of the lack of efforts or courage but because of how things seem.

"You have to be brave. Have the courage to walk out and proudly pronounce yourself as a person who is willing to go all out"

The encouragement above do gives you the I-want-and-know-I-can-do-it feeling. True. Very true. Without a doubt, it is true. However, knowing that you can do and knowing you find it extremely difficult, and almost impossible to do it are two different things. Of the former, it is simply of hard work, commitment, and strength without giving up hope. Of the latter then, to know that someone or something that keeps hope and entrusting you the weight of responsibility and to restore the honour of not only yourself, but the people around you whom you love, is something that a fairy tale will seem almost impossible to achieve.

The fear of losing what you have while exploring new endeavours, which also slips in the way greatly troubles and affects the person. When you go home, and you see nothing but unjustice and each time you answer a call, and you hear nothing but what have happened throughout the day brings nothing else, but plain annoyance, aggravated anger, and doubled hatred. And therefore, indirectly, you feel the burden on your shoulders to claim what is right and to give what one could not have previously grows every minute. In the long run, it becomes a mission, and the hopes of a fairy tale become blur.

Perhaps, the road that you have chosen is not right. Or maybe the solution you chose to use is not appropriate. Or maybe you lack confidence to see yourself as a person who is able to lead a fairy tale despite of what is troubling you. After all, the person above mentioned in my first sentene did go through the same, well, maybe even more. The choices that are around us fools us in a way and makes us think deeply in another way. It makes you look small when you are clueless about the resolution and it lets you justify each choice and then to make a choice.

Simple but complicated, a life is to a person. You are like a boat on a sea. The steering you make and the directions you point to are the vast choices that lies ahead of you. However, the sea that either, pushes you off track or brings large waves to you is like the challenges that you need to go overcome to reach land.
But, no matter how one may see that a fairy tale is easy to achieve if you have the guts to chase after it, only a person whose feet are buried in deep within the earth and mud will know what is like to chase after a fairy tale than to vanquish the weight thrown to you, hoping for a change, all in purpose to provide happiness and satisfaction

It is difficult to question a person and not getting an answer. It is sad to know that some things are the way they are, and it shall change only if we make the call. It is indeed what i would call realities in life that perhaps you need to go through pain to get pleasure. I do not feel pessimistic about this but then as you look outside and you see many others laughing while you sit and think sadly, what comes over you, only, you will know and not the rest.

Perhaps, it is life. A life in a fairy tale may not be impossible to achieve but living a fairy tale in a life you know that does not mean much is not going to give you a true fairy tale indeed.

After all, I think, this is the order of life.