Saturday, February 18, 2012


Tears are not just drops of salt water.
Tears are not just proof of your feelings.
Tears are not just pain.

Tears is the purpose of one's desire to communicate in a way that one sees as something beautiful and truly honest. 
It is the way of how you and I see things and perceive it to be sad, pain, loneliness, and deprivation.
It teaches us to be strong and put up a face tougher and a heart stronger.
It provides the courtesy of feelings and humanity.
It is will.
It is power.
It is desire.
It is a message sent from one's heart to another.
It is a culture.
Indeed, tears is not just drops of salt water, proof of your feelings, pain but a new chapter of a new beginning.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Being a Gold Coin

An advantage is like a gold coin. Off all the coins that you see in your wallets, piggy banks, and even collector's album, you never get to see a gold coin. Coins are common and they are everywhere, but a gold coin is random, peculiar, awkward perhaps, but it certainly is something not what you and I see everyday. Coins come to us in different values, sizes, maybe weights, but the fact is, all of them are coins. A gold coin however, is still, permanent, one of a kind and is somehow interesting.

What differs a common coin to an interesting gold coin, despite of them being coins and come in values?
Should a common coin be tarnished, what of the gold coin? Will it be too? Or shall it sustain its interesting personality?
And what makes a coin common and a gold coin interesting?

When the day gets hot, a boy uses his last few coins in his pockets to get an ice cream. It was strawberry and he licked it off his hands.
The economy was at a point where notes became nothing but coloured papers. So, a man went to the bank, depositing in a private account, a safe, better said, a bundle of gold coins.
A man was about to cross the road when he received this gold coin, and then smiled, thanking God for the lorry that zoomed past missed his cane.
A boy got so mad at his friend that he took one of his coin and threw it into the lake where it was seen no more. The boy lost a coin but gained a weight lighter.

What all of us are, are like coins. A bunch of coins together in a sack, with different values, shades, designs and the years! Its a common things that we get to know things the common way, do things the common way,  perceive things the common way and responding to things the common way. As much as almost every transaction demands a certain number of coins of different values, depending on the currency, the same goes to how we as people react and respond to one another, or to any situations. The irony is, as different the value of one coin is to another, we, living beings maintain a parallel property to the coins. We act differently, respond variously, and even comprehend unlikely.

A lady seeing a boy beating up another boy might call him a bully, but for all you know, that victim was trying to disturb the "bully's " sister.

A man calling for help might be seen as weak, for the fact of him being a man, but the next thing you know, that man died or lost in the battle in agony, while you watched prejudicing him.

A girl calling a shy boy 'chicken' for not wanting to face his bully might seem hilarious, perhaps pragmatic, but, deep inside, the boy may have had a trauma and this mental sickness is eating him by the minute and by your name-calls.

A boy who has the passion for cooking, mostly, are referred as a girl's boy, sometimes, a sissy, but what about the chefs around the world and the fact that men are indeed the best in the field?

So, all this is just another bunch of coins all having different values. We all are made to complement one another, filling the gaps between the innocent and the rebellious. We come as beings to this world to proclaim what has been destined for u since birth but all we do is sulk at the misfortunes and the short comings of our lives. We come to this world as a player, but clawing others acting as champions but not realising that the same player and Champion are taken deep under six foot, side by side.

The gold coins are the little gifts that God put among us. They are within us, only waiting to be harnessed. These gold coins claim a much better respect, look, acknowledgement and confidence, knowing that they always put a smile on our faces. They lie deep in the minds, in the hearts, and in the conscious self, always reminding us that, in every coin you see, there is a drop of gold and it is this gold that makes it, no matter what year, what value, what currency, a gold coin.