Monday, December 31, 2012

a diary

In just moments, a new year begins and new undertakings are steered to course. the year was tough, as like all years would, but without sweat, fruits will not bear. and yes, the year was pretty much how everyone's would seem to, only a twist from one to another. 

i sometimes sit down, and i wonder how things and time pass through when sometimes i just do not realize how it goes on. and yet, it goes on. simply said, another year is through and with huff and a puff, i sit here drawing out those memories. and yes, memories they are, lessons they teach.

making new friends are great. keeping them, that's something tricky. the countless times you share and spread moments you find so much greater than those who don't, brings you what you wished the least for to happen right at your back. confused, adapting, accepting, here i now live, another year.

love is what keeps people going. family, friends, and all alike. but love at times stop you from going. and deep down a road you walk, knowing the end as to what you have imagined, and yet, stopping and then looking back at your path, realizing, that, it may not be a good walk after all, you retreat. all for love, one sacrifices, one gains. all for love, one gives, one takes. demanding, generous, sweet and simple, love's a box of chocolates.

rivalries are tokens you sometimes collect for values. like in a fair, a token for a game, a rivalry is just a game. they start they end, and then the token is kept away, not the player, not the machine, but the game itself. one day, it frustrates you, and another it overwhelms you. and today, it makes you jump high, tomorrow it might keep you at your knees begging for another chance. natural, normal, growing, rivalries compliments us.

and in deep thoughts i dive, questioning and answering questions that are quite illogical, perhaps manageable. and in it, i see the different colours of life that comes together, binding all of us in a cycle that never stops. and these moments may come in a pinch or a bundle, or a lottery. and yes, these moments are the every ticks of the clock that made us who we are now.

happy new year!