Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I realized one thing. Growing old and becoming matured are two things far apart. Every year, we celebrate a year older. The special day that we dedicate to all our successful years behind of being able to completely finishing and walking through it in times of good and bad. A day that becomes the signifier that on that very day we have grown somewhat bigger, taller, smarter, and even matured. However, how many of us actually sit back and think whether in all this years, on that very day, have they truly become what they thought they have? I mean, saying that I am officially 20 today does not mean that I have what it takes to be one. Just because I appear somewhat physically larger get the woos from the ladies does not account the real self of being a 20 year old.

My mother used to say that some people, though almost in their golden age, seem to act like a new born, demanding things way beyond apprehension and comprehension. It is sad in a way that when I see you over there standing and behaving like somewhat, I had rather refer to as a lone individual; I sometimes keep the words in my mind to myself. They say, the more you keep silent, the more the lone individual sits and rocks on your head. I understand and I believe the statement. However, should I be teaching you morals? Should I be telling you the things we should or should not do? Should I say my mind off and hurt everyone, though it initially was not the original intention?

What should I do then?



And I keep quiet knowing that, one day for the effort you deliberately kept aside, and for the times I spent covering you, not knowing you realized it or not, would grant me a recognition beyond any rewards, gifts and compliments.

Satisfaction. Acknowledgement.

And so, you once again preach about your age of turning into the adult world, realizing that, everything, once a taboo, now an option. And then you preach to everyone about how good you are, how much efforts you have put, how great sacrifices you have done, belittling those who barely did nothing.

One phrase; pot calling kettle black.

Today I stand on a cliff and you below me, looking up to me. It does not mean that my achievements are greater than you for above me, lies a mountain waiting to be hiked and conquered. And till then, go on preaching of how matured you have become, for it is only to fill the empty slates of your fragments of life. When we age, let not the physical attributes, the proficiency, the knowledge, the do’s and dont’s  only grow, but leave some space for maturity.

Being 20 and acting like a 5 year old.

Now that is something to ponder on.

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