Friday, October 15, 2010


it is very easy to say a no. you do not have to actually say the word no itself, but..

the things that  you do,
the response that you give,
the attitude you show,
the behaviour you potray...

will actually resemble your no~

sometimes i wonder, is it that difficult to do something out of your will for the good of others. yes you may think that why should you suffer or put yourself in hot soup for another person or another group's sake, but why not?

why not?
is it that painful or difficult?
we are all in the same position, in the same situation, but why is it that it has an exception?
the moment you say you cannot, is the moment where you start to fail. in each of us, theres a potential in us. but that potential will not just bump out automatically. it needs a medium, and its you.
you can do it but you choose not to....
you are capable to perform it but you feel so dependable....
you know the job well but you choose to ignore it..

the question comes to you..

what do you care?
it is my potential and i choose whether to unleash it or not?

but do think of this..

the deeper you lock yourself in that potential supposedly to wait for the perfect time, the harder you shall find it difficult to make it obvious...

sacrificing something for another despite of your own lack of potentials is something that very few are able to do. however those who are able to do it are the ones who has actually unleashed their own potentials.
let it be 1% but the fact is you did what you was told to do. you knew your limits and you went above all. you  knew your incapabilities but you chose to ignore it and put your best forward.that is what i call,

unlocking your potetial....

if one is able to sing and you can only rhyme
if one is able to draw a potrait and you can only draw shapes
if one is able to prepare gourmet dishes and you can only fry eggs
if one is able to write a book and you can only write a paragraph....

never feel small or litlle..because that very small effort you manged to do and show despite knowing that you would not be able to be an artiste, an artist, a chef, and an author is the largest deed and sacrifice you could do without a no~

NO is only for those who believes in their own capabilities and not willing to move an inch further
a YES is for those who understands their incapabilities and yet try to do their very best!


Rosemary Xavier said...

yesss... i agree :)

suresh lim keng leong said...

hahahahaaah!! bingo!